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On March 28, 2007, the Detroit City Council approved a resolution to create the Green Task Force to advise the council on green principles and practices to better serve the City of Detroit. Council President Kenneth Cockrel was the author of the resolution creating the Green Task Force and became its first chair. The current task force chair is Councilman Scott Benson, District 3. The general task force meeting is held monthly, on the third Thursday from 3:00-4:30 p.m. at the MSU Detroit Center, in Midtown. The Green Task Force works in partnership with the City of Detroit Office of Sustainability. 


The role of the Green Task Force is to advise the council on green principles and practices to better serve the City of Detroit. The Green Task Force is made up of numerous environmental advocacy groups, nonprofit organizations, environmental businesses, government employees and residents. The Green Task Force works to create green jobs, improve environmental policy and build a more sustainable city.


The task force is made of various committees representing various topics critical to supporting a healthier Detroit.

Sub-committees include: Water, Renewable Energy, Energy Waste Reduction, Climate Action, Organics Recycling and Recycling & Waste Reduction. 


Our storied history of industrialization and post-industrialization has created a city that is experiencing the impacts of climate change, environmental injustice, and transformation precipitated by population loss, blight, eroded tax base, and financial distress. The Green Task Force endeavors to address these challenges by creating responsive policies that promote and create a culture of sustainability citywide.


Detroiters are demanding change and are working together to create a healthy, more vibrant, and green city. The Green Task Force is a strong example of where collaboration, on all levels, is happening.

  • First Task Force to submit charter required report.

  • Advocated for and provided support for drafting and passage of the City of Detroit's Post Construction Stormwater Ordinance 

  • Advocated for and provided support for drafting and passage of the City of Detroit's Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Ordinance 

  • Facilitated approval of a Host Community Agreement with U.S. Ecology.

  • Held monthly meetings with stakeholders to advance issues / progress towards common sustainability goals.

  • Six active sub-committees.

  • Advocated for, and provided input into the job description for Detroit’s Charter mandated Office of Sustainability.

  • Facilitated site visits to San Francisco to help inform DWSD and DPW Department Directors, as well as advocates on best practices in sustainability.

    • Resulted in an expanded curbside recycling program.


Our Purpose: The Green Task Force is made up of numerous environmental advocacy groups, non-profit organizations, environmental businesses, government employees and residents. The Green Task Force works to create green jobs, improve environmental policy and build a more sustainable city.


The Green Task Force meets on the third Thursday of every month 3:00PM. 


Resolution authorizing the Green Task Force.

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